(This site is full of great articles on removing toxic fragrances from your life.)
by: Linda Sepp
ll it takes is a decision to go fragrance-free!
It should be easier than quitting smoking since there aren’t supposed to be addictive chemicals in fragrances, right?
Due to the fact that so many people are now experiencing adverse effects from fragranced products (34.7% in 2016), we are well on the way to having fragrance-free policies everywhere for the sake of protecting public health just as was done with smoking bans. It’s not just those of us who suffer immediate and disabling adverse effects from the products (1st, 2nd, and 3rd hand), but for everyone.
Here are some great resources (in no particular order) to help you go fragrance-free:
For event planning
It’s important to be inclusive from the beginning and reinforce it on all communications. If accessibility isn’t included at the beginning stages, people will miss it and you and your events will not be safe or accessible.
Accessible Meetings Guide (also) Addresses Chemical and Electrical Sensitivities
3 Steps to Organizing A Fragrance Free Event
Things and processes to think about:
Think Again Training » Fragrance Free
*** Some excellent info, including lots of product options from the East Bay Meditation Center:
Fragrance Free
Why be … How to be… List of Products… and More…
For visitors or caregivers
How to be fragrance-free:
MCS House Rules
(I’ve just been informed that this link isn’t working for everyone, so I’ve uploaded a copy of the PDF here> MCS House Rules from MCS Advocacy)
MCS Visitors Guidelines
for visiting people with more severe MCS/ES
Remember light cigarettes and non-smoking sections?
Some people think there’s a cost barrier. These days, many fragrance-free products cost the same as other products. Some products we can totally do without when we switch to natural cleaning products like baking soda and non-GMO vinegar.
Please do try to avoid the big brand name counterparts (like TIDE and Bounce) as many of those are just as toxic and harmful to ‘sensitive’ people as the fragranced versions! Dry less and use dryer balls (wool is healthier than plastic – but do NOT use tennis balls or balls of foil)
EWG has guides for cosmetics and cleaning products that offer a good start (although not an end all be all) regarding the safety of disclosed ingredients in thousands of products available all over North America (and elsewhere). Unfortunately they (and Made Safe) certify or verify essential oils as being safe. They are not. Essential oils are NOT appropriate in fragrance-free environments.
When you start going fragrance-free for your own sake (and not because of a policy) then each time you run out of a product, just replace it with a fragrance-free product. Read the labels for hidden ingredients. Common words to watch out for include ‘fragrance’, ‘parfum’, ‘aroma’, and ‘essential oils’. Avoid those.
Sadly (or criminally), some unscrupulous manufacturers hide fragrance ingredients under their chemical names, most likely as a way to gaslight the people who suffer adverse effects from them, as the people who buy them will say “but I’m not wearing any fragrance – I checked!” while the folks who are adversely affected suffer from the exposures PLUS the anger and incredulity.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you stop on the way to go shopping or visit someplace where they sell or use fragranced products, air “fresheners”, scented candles, etc, then the VOCs will have settled in your hair and clothing just like smoke from smoky rooms, and you will no longer be fragrance-free.
#BeFragranceFree It’s good for you. It’s good for me.
See the full article here: